Bail Bonding Myths Exposed

Posted on: 14 December 2016


Posting bail can be essential for allowing defendants to leave jail until their trial is concluded. For those needing to post bail, it is likely that they will need to use a bond service to raise the substantial amount of money for the bail. Yet, refuting notions about bail and bonding services may be necessary for you to better understand this aspect of the criminal justice system.

Myth: Your Bail Cannot Be Changed

When a person is arraigned before a judge, their bail will be set according to the local statutes. In most instances, there will be a sliding scale that determines the bail amount based on the severity of the crime. For individuals that have extremely limited finances, it may be possible to petition the court to reduce the bail amount. However, this will likely require an attorney's expertise as it will be necessary to prove you do not have the income or assets to post bail and that you are not a risk to the community or at risk of fleeing. For those that are arrested on the weekend or a holiday, it may be a couple of days before a hearing can be arranged as a judge may not be available until the next business day.

Myth: Bail Bonds Require Expensive Interest Payments

Many individuals assume that bail bonds will require paying interest until the trial is concluded, which could be extremely expensive for lengthy trials. Luckily, this is not how bail bonding services charge their clients. Rather, you will only be required to pay a single fee when the bond is originally issued. In instances where the bond needs to be reissued, you may need to pay an additional fee, but this will be relatively minor inconvenience compared to being out of jail while awaiting your trial.

Myth: You Will Be Released As Soon As The Bail Is Posted

Being in jail can be one of the most unpleasant experiences that you can have, and it is not surprising that people want to be released as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it can take several hours for a prisoner to be released once the bail bondsman sends the appropriate information to the jail. This is from the need for the jail workers to process the paperwork for the defendant and prepare them for release. In instances where the jail is extremely busy or they do not have a full number of staff members, this process can be further delayed.

To learn more, contact a company like Brad's Bail Bonds