The Different Types Of Bail Bonds And How They Work

Posted on: 22 May 2015


Knowing the different types of bails can help you make an informed decision if a need for bail should come up. Many bail bondsman offer a variety of services, and each service typically has a degree of customization that you can take advantage of. In general, the types of bails include:

Recognizance Release – Released on your own recognizance is only loosely a type of bail. The judge allows you to leave with the understanding that you are not a flight risk and will definitely show up at your next court date. Usually, this is a best-case scenario.

Generally, people receive ROR if they have no record, steady employment, or have a good standing in the community. You wouldn't need to consult with a bail bondsman for this type of bail. You may sometimes hear it called personal recognizance, released on recognizance, or an OR release.

Cash bonds – A cash bond is the most common type of bail. With a cash bond, you have to pay the full amount of the bail in cash. A bail bondsman can post that amount on your behalf.

Once you enter a contract with the bail bond service, then it's on the service to make sure that you show up at your court hearings. When it's the bail service paying rather than you or a relative, then it's a surety bond.

Surety bonds – A surety bond is what a "bail bond" really is. If you cannot afford to pay your cash bond, then this is the type of bond you will need. A surety bond is a bond that has the backing of a surety or insurance company.

The bail bond service doesn't like to put everything on a person that may not have the ability to pay them back. They may ask you to put up property. Many times, they will also need a cosigner, like a friend or family member.

Property bonds – A property bond allows you to put your car, house, or other property up in exchange for your cash bond. This can go to the court, or it can go to the bond service. In either case, the title of the property is held against you not showing up for court.

Federal and Immigration bonds – Federal and immigration bonds are for federal cases. Some bondsmen handle federal cases but not all. Receiving a pretrial release from the INS is also not something that just any bail bond service can do.

All of these types of bonds have something in common. Either you have the means of dealing with them, or you need help. When you need help, you need the services of bail bondsman that can,

  • Post your bail immediately
  • Offer 24-hour service
  • Come up with an affordable solution for you
  • Explain the process so you can understand it
  • Work with you

Many people don't have the means to afford bail. They don't have property or family that can help them. But they still have options. Speak to a professional bail bonds service (read more here) about what options are available to you or to the person you're trying to help.